Wir helfen Unternehmen in Österreich
seit 17 Jahren bei der Softwareauswahl
Capterra-Glossar: Definitionen durchsuchen
Wir versuchen, möglichst wenig komplizierte Fachbegriffe zu verwenden, aber vielleicht stößt du doch mal auf unbekannte Begriffe aus dem Software- oder Geschäftsbereich. Wenn du einmal nicht sicher bist, wirf einen Blick in dieses Glossar.
- 1xRTT (CDMA2000 1x)
- 2.5G
- 2G (Zweite Generation)
- 3,5G
- 360-Grad-Feedback
- 3D-PV-Geräte (Photovoltaik)
- 3G (Dritte Generation)
- 3GPP (Third-generation Partnership Project)
- 4G-Standard
- 4K-x-2K-TV-Anzeigen
- 5G
- 5S
- 9-Box-Modell
- ABI (Analytics and Business Intelligence)
- ABM (Account-Based Marketing)
- Abonnent
- ABPD (Automated Business Process Discovery)
- Abweichung
- Abwesenheitsmanagement
- Account-Planung
- ACR (Automatic Content Recognition)
- ACRIS (Advanced Clinical Research Information Systems)
- AD (Application Development)
- Ad-Tech
- ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)
- Addressable-TV-Werbung
- ADF (Automated Document Factory)
- ADM (Anwendungsdatenmanagement)
- ADMS (Advanced Distribution Management Systems)
- Advocacy-Marketing
- AE (Account Executive)
- Affective Computing
- AI ModelOps (Artificial Intelligence Model Operationalization)
- AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
- AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations)
- AIOps-Plattform
- Aktivitätsstrom
- Älteres System oder ältere Anwendung
- AM (Additive Manufacturing)
- AM (Anwendungsmanagement)
- AMG (Access Media Gateway)
- AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure)
- AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association)
- AMO (Application Management Outsourcing)
- AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service)
- AMR (Adaptive Multirate)
- Analytics
- Anbieter
- Anbietermanagement
- Anbieterneutral
- Änderungsmanagement
- Anrufer-ID
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
- Anwendungs-Outsourcing
- Anwendungsarchitektur
- Anwendungsinfrastruktur
- Anwendungsintegration
- Anwendungskontrolle
- Anwendungsprogramm
- Anwendungsserver
- Anwesenheit
- APA (Applications Portfolio Analysis)
- aPaaS (Application Platform as a Service)
- API (Application Programming Interface)
- APM (Application Performance Monitoring)
- APM (Asset Performance Management)
- AR (Augmented Reality)
- ARA (Application Release Automation)
- Arbeitsmanagement
- Arbeitsmanagementsystem
- Architektur
- ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)
- ASA (Average Speed of Answer)
- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
- ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit)
- ASN (Advanced Shipment Notice)
- ASN (Autonomous System Number)
- ASO (Automated System Operations)
- ASP (Application Service Provider)
- ASP (Average Selling Price)
- ASSP (Application-Specific Standard Product)
- ATD-Vorrichtungen (Advanced Threat Detection)
- ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
- ATO (Assemble To Order)
- Audio-Mining/Sprachanalyse
- Augmented Analytics
- Augmented Intelligence
- Ausgabenmanagement
- Authentifizierungsdienst
- Automated Storage Tiering (Auto-Tiering)
- Automatisiertes Testen
- Autonome Fahrzeuge
- Autorisierung
- Avatar
- B2B-Gateway-Software
- B2B-Preisoptimierung und -management
- B2B-Vertrieb (Business-to-Business)
- Backbone-Router
- Backend
- BAM (Business Activity Monitoring)
- Bandbreite
- Bankenkategorien
- BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface)
- Basisstation
- Batch-Verarbeitung
- Baud
- BCM (Business Continuity Manager)
- BCMP (Business Continuity Management Planning)
- BCP (Business-Continuity-Plan)
- BDR (Business Development Representative)
- Begrenzte Auslastung
- Beitragsorientierter Vorsorgeplan
- Benchmarking
- Berechtigungsverwaltung
- Bereitstellung
- Beschaffung
- Best-of-Breed
- Betriebliche Resilienz
- Betriebsmodell
- Betriebsservices
- Betriebssystem
- Betrugserkennung
- Bewährtes Verfahren
- Bezahlte Medien
- BI- (Business Intelligence)-Dienste
- BI-Plattformen (Business Intelligence)
- BIA (Business Impact Analysis)
- Bibliothek
- BICC (Business Intelligence Competency Center)
- Big Data
- Bimodalität
- Biochips
- Biometrische ATMs (Automated Teller Machines)
- Biometrische Authentifizierung
- BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
- Bit (Binary Digit)
- BLER (Block Error Rate)
- Blicksteuerung
- BLOB (Binary Large Object)
- Blockchain
- Blogging-Plattformen
- Blu-Ray
- Bluetooth
- Bodensegment
- Bodenstation
- BOM (Bill of Materials)
- BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer)
- BPA (Business Process Automation)
- BPaaS (Business Process as a Service)
- BPAT (Business Process Analysis Tool)
- BPM (Business Process Management)
- BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)
- BPO-Dienstleister (Business Process Outsourcing) für das Finanz- und Rechnungswesen
- BPR (Business Process Re-engineering)
- BRE (Business Rule Engines)
- Brennstoffzelle
- Broadcast-Sturm
- Browser
- BSC (Balanced Scorecard)
- BSC (Base Station Controller)
- BSP (Business Service Provider)
- BT 3.0 (Bluetooth 3.0)
- BT 4.0 (Bluetooth 4.0)
- BTA (Basic Trading Area)
- BTS (Base Transceiver Station)
- Bug
- Business Analytics
- Business Capability Modeling
- BuySmart™
- BWA (Broadband Wireless Access)
- BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
- Bytecode
- C-Band
- C/IM-Software (Crisis/Incident Management)
- CaaS (Communications-as-a-Service)
- CAC (Common Access Card)
- CAC (Connection Admission Control)
- Cache
- CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering)
- CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate)
- Callcenter
- CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing)
- Captive Centers
- CASBs (Cloud Access Security Brokers)
- CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering)
- CASP (Content and Applications Service Provider)
- CBD (Component-Based Development)
- CBR (Case-Based Reasoning)
- CBS (Consumer Broadband Services)
- CCC (Car Connectivity Consortium)
- CCD (Charge-Coupled Device)
- CCM (Continuous Controls Monitoring)
- CCM (Kundenkommunikationsmanagement)
- CCOW (Clinical Context Object Workgroup)
- CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
- CDNs (Content Delivery Networks)
- CDO (Care Delivery Organization)
- CDP (Continuous Data Protection)
- CDR (Call Detail Record)
- CDR (Clinical Data Repository)
- CEC (Customer Engagement Center)
- CEP (Complex-Event Processing)
- CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team)
- CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
- CGM (Consumer-Generated Media)
- Channel Analytics
- Channel-Integration
- Channel-Management
- Chatbot
- CHIME (College of Healthcare Information Management Executives)
- CHP (Combined Heat and Power/Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung)
- CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer)
- CI (Continuous Integration)
- CIAM (Customer Identity and Access Management)
- CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
- CIF (Customer Information File)
- CIFS (Common Internet File System)
- CIM (Common Information Model)
- CIM (Computer-Integrated Manufacturing)
- CIM (Customer Information Management)
- CIO (Chief Information Officer)
- CIR (Committed Information Rate)
- CIRP (Cyber Incident Response Plan)
- CIRT (Cyber Incident Response Team)
- CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)
- CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer)
- CLI (Common Language Infrastructure)
- Client/Server
- Clipping
- Closed-Loop MRP (Material Requirements Planning)
- Closed-Loop PM (Performance Management)
- Cloud Security Gateways
- Cloud-AD-Services (Application Development)
- Cloud-Computing
- Cloud-E-Mail
- Cloud-Elastizität
- Cloud-Sicherheit
- Cloud-Verschlüsselungsgateway
- Cloud-Werbung
- Cluster-Controller
- Cluster-System
- CLV (Constant Linear Velocity)
- CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System)
- CMNS (Connection Mode Network Service)
- CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)
- CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)
- CMOT (Common Management Over TCP/IP)
- CMP (Cloud-Management-Plattform)
- CMS (Campaign Management System)
- CMYK (auch YMCK) (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key)
- CNI (Carrier Network Infrastructure)
- CNS (Converged Network Services)
- COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology)
- Codd’s Rule Zero
- CoE (Center of Excellence)
- COLD (Computer Output To Laserdisc)
- Collaborative Commerce (C-Commerce)
- Commerce Everywhere
- Community Cloud
- Compliance
- Computer-Appliance
- Concurrent Use
- Consumer NAS (Network Attached Storage)
- Consumerization
- Content-Marketing
- Content-Targeting
- CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
- CoS (Class of Service)
- Cost to Serve
- CPA (Comprehensive Production Architecture)
- CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service)
- CPC (Collaborative Product Commerce)
- CPC (Cost-Per-Click)
- CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)
- CPE (Customer-Premises Equipment) Business DSL Router mit integriertem DSL-Modem
- CPGA (Cost Per Gross Add)
- CPM (Corporate Performance Management)
- CPM (Cost Per Thousand)
- CPM-Suites (Corporate Performance Management)
- CPQ-Anwendungssuites (Configure Price Quote)
- CPR (Computer-based Patient Record)
- CPT (Current Procedural Terminology)
- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement)
- CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
- CRE (Corporate Real Estate)
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- CRM-Analysen (Customer Relationship Management)
- CRO (Chief Revenue Officer)
- Cross-Docking
- Crowdsourcing
- CRP (Capacity Requirements Planning)
- CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete)
- CSB (Cloud Services Brokerage)
- CSD (Circuit-Switched Data)
- CSO (Chief Sales Officer)
- CSP (Communications Service Provider)
- CSP (Content Services Platform)
- CSU (Channel Service Unit)
- CTI (Computer-Telefonie-Integration)
- CTO (Chief Technical Officer)
- CTP-Systeme (Capable-to-Promise)
- CTQ (Critical to Quality)
- CUG (Closed User Group)
- CXM (Customer Experience Management)
- Cybersicherheit
- D&I (Diversity and Inclusion)
- DaaS (Desktop-as-a-Service)
- DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting)
- DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting Plus)
- DAM (Database Activity Monitoring)
- DAM (Digital Asset Management)
- Dämpfung
- DAP (Database Audit and Protection)
- DAP (Directory Access Protocol)
- Dark Data
- DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
- DASD (Direct-Access Storage Device)
- Dashboards
- DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)
- Data Governance
- Data Lake
- Data Scientist
- Data-Mining
- DataOps
- Dateiserver
- Daten und Analyse
- Daten-Broker
- Daten-Profiling
- Datenbank
- Datenbankdesign
- Datenbankverschlüsselung
- Datendeduplizierung
- Datenintegration
- Datenmonetarisierung
- Datenqualitäts-Tools
- Datenschutzmanagementtools
- Datensicherheit
- Datenstrategie
- Datenvernichtung
- Datenvisualisierung
- Dauerbetrieb
- DBMS (Database Management System)
- DBS (Direct Broadcast Satellite)
- DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging)
- DCB (Data Center Bridging)
- DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management)
- DDBMS (Distributed Database Management System)
- DDL (Data Definition Language)
- DDM (Dynamic Data Masking)
- DDMRP (Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning)
- DDVN (Demand-Driven Value Network)
- Design Thinking
- Deskriptive Analyse
- DEVA (Document-Enabled Vertical Application)
- DevOps
- DevSecOps
- Dezentrale Energieerzeugung
- DFX (Design for X)
- DG (Distributed Generation)
- DGT (Directorate General of Telecommunications, Taiwan)
- Diagnostic Analytics
- Die Zukunft der Arbeit
- Dienstleistungen für Anwendungsmodernisierung
- Dienstleistungsbüro
- DIF (Data Interexchange Format)
- Digital
- Digital Assets
- Digital-Thin-Wallet-Lösungen
- Digitale Disruption
- Digitale Kluft
- Digitale Optimierung
- Digitale Signatur
- Digitale Transformation
- Digitale Transformation
- Digitaler Arbeitsplatz
- Digitaler Disruptor
- Digitaler Kunde
- Digitaler Zwilling
- Digitales Finanzwesen
- Digitales Netzwerk
- Digitales Unternehmen
- Digitales Wasserzeichen
- Digitalisierung
- Digitalisierung
- Direktkanal
- Diskrete Fertigung
- Diskussionsforum
- DLP (Data Loss Protection)
- DM (Data Management)
- DM (Dokumentenmanagement)
- DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting)
- DMH (Digital Marketing Hub)
- DMP (Datenmanagementplattform)
- DNA-Logik
- Download
- DPA (Demand Pattern Analysis)
- DPMO (Defects Per Million Opportunities)
- DPU (Defects Per Unit)
- DR (Disaster Recovery)
- Drahtlose Datenkommunikation
- Drei-Schema-Architektur
- DRM (Digital Rights Management)
- DRM (Distributed Resource Management)
- DRP (Disaster Recovery Planning)
- DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
- DSM (Distributed System Management)
- DSR (Demand Signal Repository)
- DTC (Digital Transformation Consulting)
- DTH (Direct To Home)
- Dual-Mode
- Dual-View-Anzeige
- Dumb-Terminal
- Durchsatz
- DXC (Digital Cross-Connect)
- DXP (Digital Experience Platform)
- Dynamisches BPM (Business Process Management)
- E-Beschaffung
- E-Business
- e-CRM (electronic Customer Relationship Management)
- E-Learning
- E/A-gebunden
- E/A-Kanal
- E1
- EA (Enterprise Architecture)
- EAM (Enterprise Asset Management)
- EAP (Employee Assistance Program)
- EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)
- EBPP (Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment)
- Echtzeit
- Echtzeitanalyse
- ECM (Enterprise Content Management)
- EDA (Event-Driven Architecture)
- EDC (Electronic Data Capture)
- EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution)
- Edge-Computing
- EFM (Enterprise Fraud Management)
- eGA (elektronische Gesundheitsakte)
- EIA (Enterprise Information Architecture)
- EIA (Enterprise Information Archiving)
- EIM (Enterprise Information Management)
- EKR (Eigenkapitalrendite)
- ELA (Enterprise License Agreement)
- Elektromobilität (E-Mobilität)
- Elektronikschrott (E-Schrott)
- Elektronische Formulare (E-Formulare)
- Elektronischer Handel
- Embedded Analytics
- EMM (Enterprise Metadata Management)
- Empfängerempfindlichkeit
- EMS (Enhanced Messaging Service)
- Energieversorgungsplanung
- ENS (Enterprise Nervous System)
- Enterprise Applications
- Enterprise Unified Communications Infrastructure
- Entgeltumwandlung
- Entscheidungsintelligenz
- Entscheidungsträger
- EPM (Enterprise Performance Management)
- EPP (Endpoint Protection Platform)
- Ereignis-, Fehler- und Protokollverwaltung
- ERG (Employee Resource Group)
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- Erste Generation (1G oder Analog)
- Erstklassig
- Erweiterte Analyse
- ESP (External Services Provider)
- ETA (Enterprise Technology Architecture)
- Ethernet-Dienste
- ETRM (Energy Trading and Risk Management)
- ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
- Eventmarketing
- Expertensystem
- Facebook Commerce (F-Commerce)
- Fachbereichsentwickler
- Fallmanagementlösungen
- FALM (Federated Application Lifecycle Management)
- FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
- FCoE (Fibre Channel Over Ethernet)
- Ferndiagnose
- Fertigungsplanung
- Festnetzbetreiber
- FHMA (Frequency-Hopping Multiple Access)
- Field Service Management
- FIM (Federated Identity Management)
- Finanzanalyse
- Finanzdatenverwaltung
- Finanzgeschäftspartner
- Finanzielle KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
- Finanzielle Modellierung
- Finanzielle Optimierung
- Finanzplanungsanwendungen
- Finanzrisikobewertung
- Fintech
- Firecall
- Firewall
- FMC (Fixed-Mobile Convergence)
- FMEA (Failure Modes Effects Analysis)
- FMS (Finanzmanagementsystem)
- Folksonomien (Social Tagging)
- FOMA (Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access)
- Footfall-Analyse
- FP (Function Point)
- FP&A (Financial Planning and Analysis)
- FPD (Flat Panel Display)
- FPY (First Pass Yield)
- Free Cooling (Energiesparsystem)
- Frequenz-Wiederverwendung
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- FTTH (Fiber to the Home)
- FTTP (Fiber to the Premises)
- Führungskräfteentwicklung
- Funkzelle
- Fuzzy-Logik
- GAM (Global Account Management)
- Gamification
- GAN (Generic Access Network)
- Gateway
- Gateway-Server
- GDM (Global Delivery Model)
- Gegenseitige Zertifizierung
- Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle
- Geld-Clouds
- Gemba
- Geostationärer Satellit
- Gerät
- Geräteintegrierte biometrische Authentifizierung
- Gesamtbelohnungen
- Geschäftsprozess
- Gestenerkennung
- Gewinnbeteiligung
- Gig Economy
- Gleichheitstheorie
- Globale Bereitstellung
- Glonass
- Goldener Fallschirm
- GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance)
- Großhandelsbetreiber
- Großrechner
- Groupware
- Grünes Geld
- GTM-Strategie (Go-to-Market)
- GUI (Graphical User Interface)
- Hadoop
- HAN (Home-Area Network)
- Handelsmarketing
- Handelsplattformserver
- Handschrifterkennung
- Haptik
- Hardware- und Software-Wartungsdienste
- Hardwarewartungs- und -supportleistungen
- Haushaltsplan
- HCM (Human Capital Management)
- HCM-Anwendungsdienste (Human Capital Management)
- HCPV (High-concentration Photovoltaics)
- HDML (Handheld Device Markup Language)
- Hedgefonds
- Heterogene Architektur
- HEVs (Hybrid Electric Vehicles)
- HIE (Health Information Exchange)
- Hierarchische Datenbank
- Hintereinander-Schaltung
- Hintergrundprüfung
- HIPO (High-Potential Employee)
- HLR (Home Location Register)
- HMDs (Head-mounted Displays)
- Hochleistungsarbeitsplatz
- HPC (High-Performance Computing)
- HRMS (Human Resource Management System)
- HSA (Health Savings Account)
- HTAP-fähige In-Memory-Computing-Technologien (Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing)
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
- Human Augmentation
- HVD (Hosted Virtual Desktop)
- Hybrides Cloud-Computing
- Hype Cycle
- IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
- IaaS (Integration-as-a-Service)
- IAE (Integrated Applications Environment)
- IAM (Identity and Access Management)
- IAMaaS (Identity and Access Management as a Service)
- IB (Integration Broker)
- ICF (Information Capabilities Framework)
- ICM (Incentive Compensation Management)
- IDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore)
- IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
- Ideenmanagement
- IDEN (Integrated Digital Enhanced Network)
- Identitäts- und Zugriffsintelligenz
- Identitätsprüfungsdienste
- IDM (Integrated Document Management)
- IDN (Integrated Digital Network)
- IDS (Integrated Delivery System)
- IE (Information Engineering)
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
- IIoT-Plattformen (Industrial Internet of Things)
- ILEs (Immersive Learning Environments)
- ILM (Information Lifecycle Management)
- ILTC (Instructor-Led Training in the Classroom)
- IM (Information Management)
- IM (Instant Messaging)
- IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
- IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier)
- Implizites Wissen
- IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)
- IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity)
- IMT-A (International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced)
- Indirektes Ausgabenmanagement
- Infonomics
- Information Governance
- Informationsbereitstellung
- Informationskarten
- Infrastruktursoftware
- Inhalteaggregator
- Inhaltsanalyse
- Innovationsmanagement
- Insight Engines
- Integrierte Software
- Intelligente Antenne
- Intelligente Fertigung
- Intelligente Maschinen
- Intelligenter Vertrag
- Interaktive Visualisierung
- Internet-Telefonie
- Internetdienste für Privatkunden
- Internetgeschwindigkeitstest
- Internetradio
- Intranet
- IoT (Internet of Things)
- IoT-Dienst (Internet of Things)
- IoT-Integration (Internet of Things)
- IoT-Plattformen (Internet of Things)
- IoT-Sicherheit
- IP-Adresse (Internet-Protokoll-Adresse)
- IP-Centrex-Plattformen
- IPA (Integrated Publishing Architecture)
- iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service)
- IPTV (Internet Protocol Television)
- IPv6 (Internetprotokoll Version 6)
- IR (Investor Relations)
- IRD (Integrated Receiver Decoder)
- IRDA (Infrared Data Association)
- IRM (Integrated Risk Management)
- ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
- ISP (Internet Service Provider)
- ISV (Independent Software Vendor)
- IT (Informationstechnologie)
- IT-Ablauf
- IT-Beratung
- IT-Beratungsdienste
- IT-Budget
- IT-Dienstleistung
- IT-Industrialisierung
- IT-Infrastruktur
- IT-Management-Services
- IT-Outsourcing
- IT-Risiko
- IT-Strategie
- IT/OT-Integration
- ITAM (IT-Asset-Management)
- ITG (IT-Governance)
- ITOM (IT Operations Management) Software
- ITRO (IT Resilience Orchestration)
- ITSD (IT Service Desk)
- ITSM-Tools (IT-Servicemanagement)
- ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
- IUS (Infrastructure Utility Services)
- IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
- Java
- Java-Applet
- Job Shadowing
- Job-Planung
- Johari-Fenster
- Kabelanbieter
- KAM (Key Account Management)
- Kanalkapazität
- Kapitalallokation
- Kapitalwert
- Kategorienmanagement
- Kerfless Wafering
- Kernbankensystem
- Key Accounts
- KI (Künstliche Intelligenz)
- KIS (Krankenhausinformationssystem)
- Klickpfadanalyse
- KM (Knowledge Management)
- KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen)
- KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen)
- Kognitive Funkanlage
- Kompetenzzentrum
- Konfliktmanagement
- Kontaktcenter
- Kontaktcentersystem
- Kontextabhängiges Computing
- Kontextbezogene Sicherheit
- Kontinuierliche Intelligenz
- Kontinuitätsprüfung
- Kosteneinsparungen
- Kostengünstige IT
- Kostenoptimierung
- Kostenstruktur
- KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
- KPIV (Key Process Input Variable)
- KPOV (Key Process Output Variable)
- Kritisches Verhältnis
- KSAO (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Characteristics)
- Ku-Band (Kurtz-under Band)
- Kundenanalyse
- Kundenerlebnis
- Kundengateways
- Kundenmanagementtools
- Kundenservice und Support (CSS, Customer Service and Support)
- Kundenzentrierung
- L-Band
- LAN (Local-Area Network)
- Ländervorwahl
- Lastprognose
- Latenz
- LBS (Location-Based Services)
- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
- Lead Nurturing
- LED (Light-Emitting Diode)
- Leistungsorientierte Kultur
- Leistungsorientierter Plan
- Leitungsvermittlung
- Leitwegverfolgung
- Lieferkette
- LiFePO4-Akkus (Lithium-Eisenphosphat)
- Lights-Out Recovery Operations Management
- LIMS (Laborinformationsmanagementsystem)
- LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)
- LNP (Logistics Network Planning)
- LOB (Line Of Business)
- Loopback
- Lösung
- Lösungsarchitektur
- LPS (Local Positioning System)
- LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check)
- LTE-A (Long-Term Evolution Advanced)
- LVS (Lagerverwaltungssystem)
- M-JPEG (Motion JPEG)
- M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions)
- MAC (Media Access Control)
- MAC (Moves, Adds and Changes)
- Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Kommunikation
- Magic Quadrant
- Magnetometer
- Mainstream-Notebook
- Mandantenfähigkeit
- Manufacturing-Execution-System
- MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface)
- MarCom (Marketing Communications)
- Marketing Automation
- Marketing Intelligence
- Marketing-Automation-Plattform
- Marketing-KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
- Marketingabläufe
- Marketinganalyse
- Marketingautomatisierungssystem
- Marketingkanal
- MarketScope
- MarTech (Marketingtechnologie)
- Mashup
- MCM (Marketing Content Management)
- MCM (Master Content Management)
- MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional)
- MDA (Model-Driven Architecture)
- MDM (Master Data Management)
- MDM (Mobile Device Management)
- MDM-Services (Mobile Device Management)
- Medienmix
- Medienobjekte
- Medientablet
- Medizinisches Management
- Memristor
- Metadaten
- MIB (Management-Informationsbasis)
- MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition)
- Micro Fuel Cells
- Microgrid
- Mikroblogging
- Mikroprozessor
- MIMO (Multiple Input/Multiple Output)
- MIOE (Merchandising, Inventory and Operations Execution)
- MIPS (Millionen Instruktionen pro Sekunde)
- Mitarbeiterbeziehungen
- Mitarbeitererfahrung
- ML (Maschinelles Lernen)
- MMDS (Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service)
- MMIS (Materials Management Information System)
- MMS (Mobility Managed Services)
- MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
- MNO (Mobile-Network Operator)
- MNS (Managed Network Services)
- Mobile Browser
- Mobile Business (M-Business)
- Mobile Web-Anwendung
- Mobile WLL (Wireless Local Loop)
- Mobile Zahlung
- Mobiler PC
- Mobiles Portal
- Mobilfunk
- ModelOps (Model Operations)
- Modulation
- MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
- MOUs (Minutes Of Use)
- MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)
- MPM (Marketing Performance Management)
- MPS (Managed Print Services)
- MQL (Marketing-Qualified Lead)
- MRM (Marketing Resource Management)
- MSE (Midsize Enterprise)
- MSO (Management Services Organization)
- MSP (Managed Service Provider)
- MSPs (Marketing Service Providers)
- MSS (Mitarbeiter-Self-Service)
- MSS (Mobile Satellite Services)
- MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider)
- Multichannel-Feedback-Management
- Multichannel-Kampagnenmanagement
- Multimedia
- MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler)
- MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator)
- MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
- MXDP (Multi-Experience Development Platform)
- NAC (Network Access Control)
- Nachfolgeplanung und -management
- Nachfragegenerierung
- Nachfrageprognose
- Nachrichtenrückmeldung
- NAP (Network Access Point)
- NAS (Network-Attached Storage)
- NBS (Netzwerkbetriebssystem)
- NC (Netzwerk-Computer)
- NCCM-Tools (Network Configuration and Change Management)
- NCOP (Network Code Of Practice)
- Netto-Neuanschlüsse
- Netzwerk der nächsten Generation
- Netzwerkdatenbank
- Netzwerkfehlerüberwachungstools
- Netzwerkfreigabe
- Netzwerkgerät
- Netzwerkoutsourcing (Unternehmensnetzwerk und öffentliches Netzwerk)
- Netzwerkredundanz
- Netzwerktopologie
- Nexus Of Forces
- NGFWs (Next-generation Firewalls)
- NI (Network Intelligence)
- NIC (Network Interface Card)
- NLP (Natural Language Processing)
- NMOS (N-Channel Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)
- Notwendig, nicht wertschöpfend
- NPS (Net Promoter Score)
- NSM (Netzwerk- und Systemmanagement)
- Nutzerbereitstellung
- NVT (Network Virtual Terminal)
- Objektorientierte Programmierung
- Objektorientiertes System
- OCP (Open Compute Project)
- ODM (Object Data Model)
- OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
- Offene Architektur
- Offene Daten
- Öffentliches Cloudcomputing
- Offshoring
- OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)
- OMS (Opportunity Management System)
- OMS (Outage Management System, Ausfallmanagementsystem)
- Onboarding
- Online-Programmmanagement im tertiären Bildungsbereich
- OODBMS (Object-Oriented Database Management System)
- OOT (Object-Oriented Technology)
- Operational Data Store
- Optionsanalyse
- ORM (Operational Resource Management)
- OSS (Operations Support System)
- OT (Operational Technology)
- OTA (Over The Air)
- OTIF (On Time In Full)
- P2P (Peer-to-Peer)
- PaaS (Platform as a Service)
- Pace-Layered Application Strategy
- Packet-Switched Network
- Paid Social
- Pain Points
- PAL (Phase Alternate Line)
- PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation)
- Passiver Teilnehmer
- PAT (Process Analytical Technology)
- PCLM (Product Cost and Lifecycle Management)
- PCM (Patient Care Management)
- PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)
- PCU (Packet Control Unit)
- PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
- PDC (Personal Digital Cellular)
- PDM (Product Data Management)
- Penetrationsrate (im Mobilfunk)
- Penetrationstests
- PEP (Personaleinsatzplanung)
- Performance Management
- Performance-Marketing
- Personalabbau
- Personalabgang
- Personalanalyse
- Personalisierung
- Personalmanagement
- Personenanalyse
- Persönliche Cloud
- PHR (Personal Health Record)
- Physische Sicherheit
- Pikozelle
- PIMS (Production Information Management System)
- PIP (Performance Improvement Plan)
- Pipeline-Geschwindigkeit
- PKR (Prozesskostenrechnung)
- Plattform (Digitales Unternehmen)
- Plattformunabhängig
- PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)
- PM-Tools (Passwortmanagement)
- PMO (Project Management Office)
- PMUs (Phasor Measurement Units)
- PNFS (Parallel Network File System)
- POC (Proof of Concept)
- Policenverwaltungssysteme für Lebensversicherungen
- POP (Point of Presence)
- Portal
- Postmodernes ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- POX (Plain Old XML)
- PPM (Product Portfolio and Program Management)
- Prädiktive Verhaltensanalyse
- Präskriptive Analyse
- PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
- Process-Mining
- Procure-to-pay-Lösung
- Produkt (Digital Business)
- Produktanalyse
- Produktkatalog
- Produktmanagement (Digital Business)
- Produktsupport
- Prognosemodellierungslösungen
- Programmatische Werbung
- Projektmanagement
- Proprietäre Software
- Proxy-Agent
- Prozessmanagement
- PSA (Professional Services Administration)
- PSK (Phase-Shift Keying)
- Psychologische Sicherheit
- PTR (Peak Transaction Rate)
- Public-Key-Verschlüsselung
- Pull Printing
- Push-Technologie
- PWM (Pulsweitenmodulation)
- PX (Private Exchange)
- QAM (Quadratur-Amplituden-Modulation)
- QoS (Quality of Service)
- Quad-Band
- Quantencomputing
- Quellrouting
- R-UIM (Removable User Identity Module)
- R2R (Record to Report)
- RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
- RAS (Reliability, Availability and Serviceability)
- RASP (Runtime Application Self-Protection)
- Raumkomponente
- RCS (Rich Communication Suite)
- RDBMS (Relational Database Management System)
- RDBMS (Relational Database Management System)
- RDM (Requirements Definition and Management)
- Rechenzentrum
- Remote-Arbeit
- Repository
- Reputationsmanagement
- Revenue Assurance
- RFID (Radio-frequency Identification)
- RFID-Tags (Radio-Frequency Identification)
- RFP (Request for Proposal)
- RIA (Rich Internet Application)
- Right-to-work-law (Recht auf Arbeit)
- RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
- Risikomanagement- und Complianceberatungsdienstleistungen
- RM (Relationship Manager)
- RNC (Radio Network Controller)
- Roaming
- ROIT (Return on Information Technology)
- Rollierender Forecast
- RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
- RPA-Software (Robotic Process Automation)
- RRP (Resource Requirements Planning)
- RTT (Round-trip Time)
- RU (Rack Unit)
- S&OE (Sales and Operations Execution)
- S&OP SOD (Sales and Operations Planning Systems Of Differentiation)
- SaaS (Software as a Service)
- SAC (Subscriber Acquisition Cost)
- SAM (Software Asset Management)
- SAM-Tools (System Administration Management)
- SAP-SuccessFactors-Serviceanbieter
- SAST (Static Application Security Testing)
- Satellitenkommunikation
- Satellitenschüssel
- SBC (Server-Based Computing)
- SC-FDMA (Single-Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access)
- SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
- SCALe (Supply Chain Architecture Lifecycle)
- Scanner
- SCCM (Software Change and Configuration Management)
- SCE (Supply Chain Execution)
- Schatten-/Spiegeldatenbank
- Schatten-IT
- Schulungs- und Entwicklungsprogramme
- Schwachstellenanalyse
- SCIV (Supply Chain Inventory Visibility)
- SCM (Software Configuration Management)
- SCP (Supply Chain Planning)
- SCPC (Single Channel Per Carrier)
- SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network)
- SDH/SONET (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy/Synchronous Optical Network)
- SDK (Software Development Kit)
- SDMA (Spatial Division Multiple Access)
- SDN (Software-Defined Networks)
- SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
- Secondhandmarkt
- Secret-Key-Kryptografie
- Security Governance
- Seitenband
- Selbstanpassung
- Selbstbeschreibende Nachrichten
- Self-Service und Support für Kunden
- Self-Service-Analyse
- Semantisches Datenmodell
- Senpai
- Sensei (auch Lean Sensei)
- Sequenzierung
- Serverloses Drucken
- Serviceinventar
- Servicezentrierte Cloud-ERP-Lösungen
- SFA (Sales Force Automation)
- SFC (Shop Floor Control)
- SFM (Store-and-Forward Manager)
- SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node)
- Shared Services oder Shared-Services-Zentrum
- Shared-Service-Center-Tools für HR
- Shrink-Wrapped
- SI (System Integrator)
- Sicheres Web-Gateway
- Sicherungsgeschäfte
- SIEM (Security Information and Event Management)
- SIEM (Security Information and Event Management)
- Signaturverifizierung
- Silizium-Anoden-Batterien
- SIM Toolkit (SIM Anwendungs-Toolkit)
- SIM-Karte (Subscriber Identity Module)
- SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module)
- Single-Instance ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- SIO (Strategic Information Office)
- SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
- Six Sigma
- Skalierbarkeit
- Skriptloses Testen
- SKU (Stock-Keeping Unit)
- SLA (Service Level Agreement)
- SLED (Single Large Expensive Disk)
- SLM (Service-Level Management)
- SLO (Service-Level Objective)
- SMA (Service Management Agreement)
- Smart Factory
- Smartcard
- Smartphone
- SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die)
- SMFP (Smart Multi-Function Printer)
- SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing)
- SMR (Specialized Mobile Radio)
- SMS (Short Message Service)
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
- SNA (Social Network Analysis)
- SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
- SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)
- SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response)
- Social Analytics
- Social Computing
- Social Content
- Social Media-Profil
- Social Publishing
- Social Selling
- Social Software
- Social Tagging (Folksonomie)
- Social-CRM
- Softswitch-Architektur
- Softswitches
- Software-Support-Dienstleistungen
- Softwareentwicklung
- Softwarewartung
- SOHO (Small Office/Home Office)
- Solar-Stirling-Anlage
- Sonderurlaub bei Todesfall
- SONET (Synchronous Optical Network)
- SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act)
- Soziale Netzwerke
- Soziale Technologien
- Soziale Unternehmenssoftware
- Spaghetti-Diagramm
- Spät- und Frühindikatoren für Leistungskennzahlen
- SPC (Statistical Process Control)
- Speichergerät
- Speicherverwaltungssoftware
- Spitzentechnologie
- Sprachdienste für Verbraucher
- Sprachverschlüsselung
- SPS (Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung)
- SQL (Sales-Qualified Lead)
- SQL (Structured Query Language)
- SRM (Storage Resource Management)
- SRM (Supplier Relationship Management)
- SSBI (Self-Service Business Intelligence)
- SSEM (System and Server Evaluation Model)
- SSN (Switched Service Network)
- SSO (Single Sign-on)
- SSP (Storage Service Provider)
- Standards
- Standorterkennende Technologie
- Statistisches Multiplexing
- STDM (Statistical Time-Division Multiplexing)
- Steuerungsreichweite
- Stichprobenerhebung
- Stickiness
- STM (Synchronous Transfer Mode)
- Strategische Beschaffung
- Subnetz
- Subnetzmaske
- Suchbasierte Tools zur Datenermittlung
- Suchmaschinen-Spamming
- Superserver
- Supply-Chain-Segmentierung
- Support für Telekommunikationsgeräte
- SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array)
- SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)
- Synchron
- Synchrone Kommunikation
- Syntax
- Synthetische Daten
- Systemintegration
- Talentakquise
- Talentmanagement
- TBps (Terabit-per-second Transport)
- TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
- TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
- TDM (Time Division Multiplexing)
- TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
- TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry)
- Technologie zur ICD-10-Einführung (International Classification of Diseases)
- Teilung von Zellen
- Telekommunikationsanalyse
- Telekommunikationsdienst
- Telekommunikationsgeräte
- Telekommunikationskosten-Managementdienstleistungen
- Telekommunikationsunternehmen
- Telematik
- Terminal
- Textanalyse
- Textmining
- Thin Client
- TLM (Technical License Management)
- TLP (Transmission-Level Point)
- TLS (Transport Layer Security)
- TMG (Trunk Media Gateway)
- TMS (Transportmanagementsystem)
- Tokenisierung
- Tool zur Unkenntlichmachung
- Tools für die Verwaltung der physischen Ressourcen und Infrastruktur
- Touchpoint
- TP (Transaction Processing)
- TPM (Trade Promotion Management) und TPO (Trade Promotion Optimization)
- TQM (Total Quality Management)
- Trägerfrequenz
- Transmediales Erzählen
- Transponder
- Treuemarketing
- Übergabe
- UC (Unified Communications)
- UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service)
- UCC (Unified Communications and Collaboration)
- Ultrabook
- Ultrahochgeschwindigkeits-Breitband-Internet
- Ultramobile
- Unternehmensberatung
- Unternehmensklasse
- Unternehmenskommunikation
- Unternehmenslösung
- Unternehmenssoftware
- Unternehmenstauglich
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
- UTM (Unified Threat Management)
- UXP (User Experience Platform)
- VA (Virtual Assistant)
- VAN (Value-Added Network)
- VAR (Value-Added Reseller)
- VAS (Value-added Service)
- VAS (Versatile Authentication Server and Service)
- VB (Visual Basic)
- VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
- VBR (Variable Bit Rate)
- VC (Virtual Channel)
- vCPE (Virtual Customer Premises Equipment)
- VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)
- VDSL (Very High-speed Digital Subscriber Lines)
- Verbundene bildgebende Geräte
- Verfügbarkeit
- Verkapselung
- Verkäufe an Endnutzer
- Verkaufsprozess
- Verkaufsquote
- Vermaschtes Netzwerk
- Vernetztes Haus
- Verstehen natürlicher Sprache
- Verteilte Cloud
- Verteilte Datenverarbeitung
- Vertriebsanalyse
- Vertriebskanal
- Vertriebspartner
- Vertriebssteuerung und -überwachung
- Vertriebsteamstruktur
- Videokonferenzen
- Virtualisierung
- Virtueller Verkauf
- Virtuelles Team
- Virtuelles Teambuilding
- VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network)
- VLR (Visitor Location Register)
- VM (Virtuelle Maschine)
- VNO (Virtual Network Operator)
- VoC (Voice of the Customer)
- VoD (Video-on-Demand)
- Volumendarstellung
- Vorhersage-Analyse
- Vorhersagemodellierung
- VPN (Virtual Private Network)
- VR (Virtuelle Realität)
- VRM (Vendor Risk Management)
- VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)
- VRS (Voice Response System)
- VRU (Voice Response Unit)
- VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
- VSF (Virtual Server Facility)
- VtGK-Kosten (Vertriebsgemeinkosten)
- VTL (Virtual Tape Library)
- W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
- Wachstumsstrategie
- WAG (Wireless Application Gateway)
- WAM (Web Access Management)
- WAN (Wide Area Network)
- WAP (Wireless Application-Protokoll)
- WAP-Browser (Wireless Access Protocol)
- WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
- WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)
- WCM (Web Content Management)
- WDP (Wireless Datagram Protocol)
- Weak Or Strong Signal (Schwaches oder starkes Signal)
- Wearable Computer
- Web-Analytics
- Webcrawler
- Webhosting
- Webkonferenzen und gemeinsam genutzte Arbeitsbereiche/Teamzusammenarbeit
- Webservices
- WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance)
- WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
- Werkzeuge für Metadaten- und Datenmodellierung
- Wertschöpfungstreiber
- Wettbewerbsanalyse
- Wiederverwendung
- Wiki
- WIPS (Wireless Intrusion Prevention System)
- Wissensarbeitsmanagement
- Wissensarchitekt
- Wissenserfassung
- Wissensgemeinschaft
- Wissenskapital
- WOA (Web-orientierte Architektur)
- Workflowmanagement
- WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
- WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2)
- XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language)
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- ZBB (Zero-Based Budgeting)
- ZigBee
- ZLE (Zero-Latency Enterprise)
- ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access)
- Zugriffsmethode
- Zusammengesetzte Anwendung